Friday, August 20, 2010

End Times Watch - It’s Already Here

The Bible's Book Of Revelations is continuing to come true (though not in the way we've been told), as are many other predictions from throughout history.

The biggest one, the world wide financial crisis. Many a tabloid story over the past two decades or so about predictions for the End Times has said the same thing: New Great Depression in the USA. Well, it's possible they misunderstood the difference between a recession and depression, and missed the rest of the world. Especially if they saw all the homeless, and unemployed only.

War rages on world wide, famine is on the rise. Death everywhere. Pestilence is increasing, and we're still being told a world wide pandemic is due, probably from Bird Flu. Note how many infected birds are showing up around the world. It's not a chain reaction coming. But a simultaneous outbreak. All at once. No hope of containment.

The environment is fighting back. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires. Mother Nature's mad, and she's not taking it anymore.

Four false prophets have also already appeared, three of which (for some strange reason) are babies. A girl is born with 4 arms and 4 legs. She is believed to be a Hindu Goddess made flesh. Ditto a two faced girl. An Indian boy is born with a tail, and is called The Monkey King incarnate. And even Buddha is said to live again as a teenage boy. Four gods among man. Four humans only. The switch is, people misunderstood this passage. It wasn't some guy going around saying "I am the Messiah come to save you (hee hee, no I'm not) ." It was this very thing e see today. Humans born under a claim as gods. Gods returned to Earth to lead us and save us in our trouble times. Making them prophets, yes? But they're not. Their humans with some genetic oddities. Our octopus gal had a failed Siamese twin, ditto it seems for the female Two Face. Monkey King is just a kid with a fleshy, boneless tail. Kids are born with vestigial tails every so often. Granted not as long, but still. Neo Buddha is doubted even among Buddha faithfuls. Seems he's just a deft at mind over personal matter, something other humans have demonstrated before. So he can go long times meditating without eating or drinking. People have eaten glass, walked on blades, and slowed their heartbeats tremendously.

That makes our four prophets, false prophets, as they are not the gods people believe them to be. Now then, what were we all told would proceed the very end? The coming of false prophets. We have 4 so far, and that's just what I found in the on line news world. Who know show many more can be out there, or will be out there.

Everybody says 2012 is big. from the Mayans saying its the end of the current cycle, to many more. Some say a major event in time will occur. some say we'll spiritually evolve to the next level of existence. others say Heaven on Earth, or just major catastrophe. Whatever, the Crisis of 2012 is real, and my findings are it's a major devastation, with 40-50 years of a Neo Dark Ages. More and more evidence supports it. Which means, super volcanoes all over the Earth. A world wide Earthquake. Winds of 200MPH or more.

Please note, science indicates we are overdo for super volcano-ism, and massive Earthquakes (if not a world wide one). They might all come at once when the end is nigh.

Sadly, we were given easy to follow instructions to avoid all this. A choice between a Dark World and a Light World. Humanity chose the Dark World. Many of you continue to today. The pure discrimination of gays is a big hint of this choice. Congratulations, you've kept them from marrying. All it cost you was your civilization.

Bye Bye technology, medicine, food, shelter. Hello self preservation. People killing you for what you have, because they believe they alone need it to live. You most certainly do not. if you don't give them what they need, you re threatening them, so it's OK to defend themselves. So when everything I lost, try and remember to love your fellow savages. Those who learn to work together, and all just get along, will survive much happier. Those who are selfish, shall live only marginally longer. You might just find yourself depending on those you hate. Hopefully, they'll be far kinder to you, than you were to them. if not, next time, don't take their land, don't enslave them, deny them their basic human rights, or try to kill their people off. You have only yourselves to blame. You were told how to avoid all this. Pity you refused to.

Those of you who do get it, and are ready to change and live in peace, try and find me. Together we can rebuild a better world of love, not hate. Head west and south. The closer to the equater, the better. Those in the west, head south. That's supposed to be the best place for survival. That's where we can begin rebuilding anew, and this time we can get it right. Be there, or don't be at all. Just be ready to accept different beliefs and lifestyles than yours. That is part of they key to a new and better tomorrow. Or 2013 at any rate.

Just remember the name Shinzo. It might just be your last hope. Though I make no guarantees there will even be a Shinzo. Just keep an ear out, and be ready to embrace all as your equal.

April 2009 Update:

Newest sign #1: Swine Flu and the Peanut Buter Saleminella. Pestillance doth ride boys and girls. Sickness is increasing. Pesty is joining his brothers War, Famine, and Death on the road of life. Our life. Can Bird Flu be far behind cousin Swine?

Newest Sign #2: Global Economic Collapse. We were warned of this for years. But instead of listening, the warnings were regulated to tabloid trashed and laughed at. Who's laughing now? Only thing is, we were warnwd of a Depression, not a Recession. Have we changed things through Gov. Bailouts (which we were told at first weren't happening)? Or is the worse still before us?

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