Friday, August 20, 2010

Major Flaw In Gilligan’s Planet

Yes, the Island gang, in a 1983 cartoon series. Here's the intro.

OK, so let's review. The Professor knows a little about everything on the show. In their cartoon, he builds a faster than light spacecraft (albeit "crude") from trees and rocks and other island goodness. Yet he can't repair a giant hole in a boat? He builds a fully functional air craft, but a sea worthy vessel stymies him? "Gosh oh gee, we're shipwrecked, and I can't repair/build a boat despite knowing a little about everything else. I know, how's about I build a faster than light spaceship out of trees and rocks? Is much better."

I think the Professor was evil, and wanted them on that island to run a psychology experiment. Why else such disparate passengers?

PS Santa Claus visited the island in the first season (live action), and left them stranded. Think about it.

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