Friday, August 20, 2010

I Think, Therefore I Am. Or Do I?

If I think, I am. However, what if I don't really think? What if I only think that I'm thinking? Am I? Or am I not? If I think I think, isn't that still thinking? Or is it partial thinking, and I only semi am? Talk about an extistential crisis.

What if I think of you? Are you, or aren't you? If I think of you, and I think of you thinking, are you then? What happens if I then think of you thinking of me, then think of you stopping thinking of me? Am I still then? Or am I not? If you think and are, and I think of you thinking, are there two of you? Is either one more real than the other. What if thought you thinks of you? Dou you two become connected? If thought you stops thinking of you, do you cease to be? Become less? Does thought you, having been connected to you, stop being, with you? Or would you need to think of thought you to make a full connection.

Suppose we are the thoughts of another. Another who thinks of us thinking, then stops thinkng of us. Since we were just thinking, will we still be, or would not thinking of us stop our thinking, and wipe us out?

Are we the thinker, or merely the thought? Is reality specific to each thinker? or is it the coglmaeration of al our thoughts? What if one of us stops thinking of it? Will it still be, or be less? Can thoughts truly take on a life of their own? If yes, What then?

OUCH! I think I just pulled my psyche.

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