Friday, August 20, 2010

Science And Religion Can Go Hand In Hand

People need to stop pitting science and religion against each other. It's not an either or situation. Both are right, and only seem to contradict each other.

First thing, one must accept god is not a human being, nor will he necessarily relate things in human terms. I know it's hard to accept that humanity isn't the greatest thing ever, and everyone and everything else strives to be and relate to humanity. But that isn't how the universe works. Remember this story: A man asks god, what is a million dollars to you? god replies, a penny. The man then asks, what is a million years to you? god replies, a second. The man finally asks, can I have a penny, and god replies, in a second. See? Everything is different to god.

So, science says the Earth is some 4.6 Billion years old. Religion says it's less than 6,000 years old (let's round up from the Jewish calendar. Feel free to enter your own religious age here). Oh no, help. Science is at war with religion. Only one is right, but both have undeniable proof they're the right one. AHHH! Or maybe, just maybe, god uses a different time frame than humanity does. A million years to us is but a second to him. Therefore, god did indeed create the Earth 6,000 years ago. While to us, it was indeed 4.6 Billion years ago. Why must god be answering on our timetable? Would you answer in someone else's terms, or your own? Yes, the universe is 13.7 Billion years old. It could have taken hundreds of million of years to develop light, and create the galaxies and planets, and the Earth. Yet god could have created it all in 6 days. Why must days be the same to god as to us? Maybe a day to him is 100 million years to us. Maybe days, weeks months, and years is increasing in length in human terms only, but god's time frame is months, years, weeks, and days (in increasing length). Each with a different length than we use.

What of Adam and Eve? First humans? Or a lie, because we evolved from apes? Both, of course. We most certainly did evolve from apes. it's just that god called the first male ape to show the slightest signs of humanity (I'm talking pre-caveman, pre-Lucy even) Adam, and the first female evolving ape, Eve. Perhaps their home was a garden, which god called Eden.

Even our creation works both ways. Billions of years of evolution? Or a pile of Dirt. Both, thanks to pansermia. That is the belief that life on Earth arrived from components in space, that fell to Earth in comets and meteors, etc. basically, life fell down and landed in a big pile of dirt Yes, god told the truth that man came from a pile of dirt. It's just that he was referencing the secret origin of all life, not humanity's explicitly.

Of course, some things man just made up. god did not clone Eve from Adam's rib. That's just a story to explain what natural observation revealed. Female mammals, and some reptiles (who know show many more species) have an extra rib. Logic dictates it has to do with reproduction. What, I do not know. The fall of man from eating forbidden fruit is false. Noah's Ark, well, don't get me started on the fundamental flaws. Either the flood was much more localized, or more than one ark existed, and the humans onboard left unmentioned (on purpose).

AS you can see, science and religion do not need to be at odds. One just must accept a few things first: god communicates in his own terms, not ours. Some things an made up. Also, god does not micro manage the universe, and most certainly created evolution, precisely because he does not micro manage the universe, and needed an automated system of change for life. Accept these theories, and you can accept both science and religion at the same time. They do not need to compete. They're really rather complimentary.

Based on rudimentary calculations, 1 year to god is 1.15 Billion years to us. 1 day to god is 2.28 Billion years to us. We're also still on the 7th day, and god is still resting. What will happen on the 8th day? Who knows?

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