Monday, May 16, 2011

Love Is Louder

My video for Love Is Louder:

You Can't Reward Failure

Rewarding our kids for anything and everything is bad. You can't teach your kid that just doing the basics is enough. Rewarding a kid for just participating or being the suckiest loser around so they're precious feelings don't get hurt will not motivate them to do better. It teaches them to be adequate.

Between that and attacks on education with cuts and furloughs, no wonder Russia is about to surpass us as the space king, and China the major economic power. We taught our kids to barely even try, and gave them no proper education. Of course we're the lowest of the low for education. You get surpassed by not trying. We taught our kids to only give the 1% necessary to prove an effort was sort of, kind of made. That barely doing anything was more than enough.

Look where it got us. Nobody's giving us rewards for being such schmoes. We're just being surpassed, because nobody tries. Nobody can try. They're all too stupid from lack of a proper education.

But hey, at least our kids don't feel bad about being such losers now. We taught them it's OK to fail.